We are here for you
Providing connections, guidance, support, and resources every step of the way
The Post Adoption Resource Center provides the following services, all of which are free to eligible families:
- Information about, and referrals to, local and regional services such as:
- Local Community Mental Health provider and crisis mental health services
- Outpatient therapy providers
- Local foster and adoption ministries and support groups
- Case specific education and training
- Adoption assistance and medical subsidy
- Trainings and conferences
- Liaison for your family with other service providers
- Short-term, in-home intervention for families in crisis
- Option to meet with worker face to face (in your home, the community, or PARC office), by phone, or email
- Connecting adoptive families with other adoptive families who “get it” through support groups, family fun events, play groups, parents’ meals out, etc.
- Navigating birth family contact and relationships
The Post Adoption Resource Center's services are available to families with children ages 21 years or younger who have been:
- Adopted from Michigan’s foster care system
- Adopted in Michigan through an international adoption
- Adopted in Michigan through a domestic infant adoption
- Placed in guardianship through Michigan’s foster care system and are eligible for guardianship assistance through MDHHS adoption subsidy office
The child’s adoption must be finalized.
The Post Adoption Resource Center will work with any eligible family regardless of the agency that provided the initial adoption services.